Why & What Is A Nuffield Canada Scholarship
The Nuffield Canada Scholarship is an prestigious award available to anyone mid-career who is involved in agriculture in any capacity of primary production, industry or governance.
A scholarship from Nuffield Canada is an amazing opportunity to develop global perspectives, expertise and leadership capacity in Canadian agriculture. We award up to six scholarships per year, valued at $20,000 CAD to Canadians with a passion for agriculture.

Scholarship Overview
Nuffield Canada awards up to six scholarships per year, valued at $20,000 CAD to Canadians with a passion for agriculture.
Scholars are able to travel anywhere in the world within a 2-year timeframe, for a period of no less than 10 weeks to study their chosen topic with six weeks of that being consecutive travel.
Report & Presentation
On return from their travels, they present their research and recommendations in a formal written report (approximately 10,000 words) and presentation at the Nuffield Canada AGM. The Scholars are expected to use all other means at their disposal to disseminate the knowledge they have gained locally, provincially and nationally.
Scholarship Application Timeline


June 30

Qualifying Applicants Potentially Interviewed

Successful Scholars Announced

AGM and Scholar Orientation

The Nuffield Scholar Journey
Contemporary Scholars Conference (CSC)
This annual event is the blast-off for new Nuffield Scholars from around the world. They gather for one time only to spend eight days exploring agriculture in the host country, learning more about themselves and each other, and engaging with leaders in agriculture who reinforce experiential learning.
Global Focus Program (GFP)
Many Nuffield scholars opt to participate in a GFP experience, where small groups of eight to 10 scholars spend six weeks on the road together. The groups have the opportunity to closely examine agriculture in up to seven countries, literally making their way around the world as agricultural explorers. For many participants, the GFP broadens their horizons, cements friendships, and lets them understand other cultures and countries on a deeper level.
Individual Research Travels and Report
Every Nuffield Scholar spends time traveling to study their individual research topic. The culminating requirement of a Nuffield Scholarship is a 10,000-word report, which is made publicly available on the Nuffield Canada website, and to formally present their research and recommendations at the Nuffield AGM.
A Nuffield Scholarship can be likened to a Masters thesis, except Nuffield is not affiliated with any college or university, has no academic prerequisites, and is aimed at mid-career producers who are ready to develop their leadership through experiential learning and transformative travel.
Upon program completion, Nuffield Scholars are highly sought out as speakers for agricultural and community groups at home and abroad. They are looked to as leaders in their fields, and translators for what is happening elsewhere in the world.
Nuffield Triennial
Every three years all Nuffield Scholars and alumni are invited to attend the Nuffield Triennial. This engaging two week gathering is hosted by Nuffield International and lets attendees renew their Nuffield network, share in professional development with other curious leaders in agriculture, and explore a new host countrywhere top agricultural operations are opened to the group. The Triennial helps to keep the Nuffield flame burning in the hearts of alumni.
Scholarship Information
Nuffield Scholarships are awarded to enterprising Canadians between the ages of 25-50 (ish) with a passion for agriculture.
‘Agriculture’ includes all forms of primary production including food, fibre, health care, biofuels, forestry, aquaculture, and fisheries.
Recipients can come from any part of agriculture, from primary production to value added processing to governance or communications. They can be involved in any aspect of the industry including as owners, managers, employees, administrators, or bureaucrats, and all industry philosophies are welcome including commercial, organic, cottage, medicinal, Indigenous and others.
Application Forms
Online applications forms can be found at www.nuffield.ca. Applications are accepted from April 1 through June 30 each year.
Applicant selections and interviews are completed in July and August with final selections being announced in early September.
Mandatory scholar orientation is held at the Nuffield Canada AGM in late November, after which scholar travel may commence.
Scholar travel is self-directed. They are to travel a minimum of 10 weeks over 24 months, six of which must be consecutive.
Upon completion, scholars write a report (approx. 10,000 words) which will be published on the Nuffield Canada web site and present their report at the Nuffield Canada AGM. They will also share their findings as speakers, panelists, etc. within their industry for at least 12 months.
How To Apply For A Nuffield Canada Scholarship
The 2025 Nuffield Canada Scholarships open April 2024.
If you have any questions, email exec.director@nuffield.ca.