Jenna Sarich
Jenna was born and raised in Saskatchewan, where her family farms near Craik, Sk. Growing up around agriculture her passion was sparked from a young age. Jenna attended the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) obtaining her Bachelor of Science in Animal Bioscience followed by her Master of Science in Animal Science, studying and publishing on the impact of ergot alkaloids on the ruminal function, health, welfare and performance of beef cattle.
Jenna currently shares her role between the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) and Public and Stakeholder Engagement (PSE) providing technical expertise and analysis on scientific elements of beef cattle production, its contribution to sustainability and consulting on resources created to increase public trust and education on raising beef cattle in Canada.
Throughout her studies Jenna had the opportunity to build her knowledge in research and agriculture including swine production at Fast Genetics, beef cattle research at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, polar bears and their use of the willows in Wapusk National Park and garnered plenty of outreach experience at the U of S Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence. Jenna has also had the opportunity to speak at various conferences in Canada and internationally, including the World Food Forum at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.
Sustainability of beef cattle systems and the importance of a holistic view when assessing environmental indicators.
Jenna’s Nuffield Canada Scholarship topic is focused on environmental sustainability of beef cattle systems and the importance of a holistic view when assessing environmental indicators. Globally, as interest in sustainable agriculture continues to grow, it is vital to consider multiple aspects of beef production including contribution to the circular economy, preservation of grazing lands vital for wildlife habitat and soil carbon stock as well as providing a sustainable source of protein and nutrients while ensuring social and economic viability for producers and communities in Canada and around the world.